Building a Future Conference Complete Bundle
Contains eleven video teachings as listed below:
Session 1: Sitting on Your Throne - Ian Clayton
Session 2: The Heart Leading the Way for Honour - Marios Ellinas
Session 3: Preparing for the Future Bread - De Wen Soh
Session 4: Up and Down the Spiralling Staircase - Ian Clayton
Session 5: Victory to Victory - Marios Ellinas
Session 6: Kingly Majesty - De Wen Soh
Session 7: Building a Tree of Hope - Ian Clayton
Session 8: Lessons of Abundance - Marios Ellinas
Session 9: Abraham and the 318 - Marios Ellinas
Session 10: The Spiritual Importance of Our Fingerprint - Ian Clayton
Session 11: Four Living Creatures - De Wen Soh
Bundles are downloaded as a pdf document with links to high definition streams of all included video teachings as well as to download their low definition versions to watch offline.
Recorded 2024.