Sypnosis: When Jesus embarked on His journey to redeem mankind, few that were with Him could appreciate what He set out to do. His disciples, who scattered when He was crucified, clearly did not. The joy set before Him as He paid the ultimate price was that the ones He loved be reconciled to the Father. Yet when Yahweh saw the worth of what His Son did, He was so moved that He had to honour Jesus by giving Him the name that is above every other name. What was done in secret by the Son, the Father in Heaven rewarded openly. Yahweh values hiddenness.
In our time together, our main speaker Marios Ellinas, along with De Wen Soh, will share about the power of hiddenness in Yahweh. In a world where greatness is often defined by fame and influence, the wisdom of being hidden is sometimes ignored. Yet the lifestyle of hiddenness is what enables us to find strength, affirmation and identity in God, and prepares us for who we are destined to be in Christ, the hope of glory. Join us as we engage Yahweh together in these three days and uncover what Yahweh has hidden in us for this age and the age to come!
This conference took place in 2022.
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